Chase Festival Parade
Theme was, Honoring Kansas, 150 Years
This first batch of photos was taken by Frances Heine.
Front of truck driven by Alvin Heine.
The door signs.
Our birthday cake for Kansas, made by
Gerald Cole
and decorated by Sherry Cole and Iris Devena.
Gerald Cole setting up float. Banners made by Chuck and Janet Gray.
Janet Gray, Alvin Heine, Mary Johnson, Gene Haas and Lind Ross decorate the float.
Janet Gray, Gerald Cole & Alvin Heine working hard.
Marsha Wierman & Linda Ross pose by cake.
CHS Alumni Association on the float with friends.
Left to right--Phillip Bryant, Glenn
Heine, Linda Heine, Joyce Burress, Janet Gray, Marsha Wierman, Mary Johnson,
Gerald Cole,
Linda Ross, Gene Haas, George Ross, Alvin Heine, Dick Schremmer, Janice
Schremmer, & Joe Schremmer.
Glenn & Linda Heine were our candy walkers. Thanks for doing that.
Leon & Betty Link were the Grand Marshalls.
Dick Schremmer family's entry into the parade. A 57 Chevy golf cart.
Coming around the corner onto Main Street.
More of Main Street.
Heading North on Main Street Chaseamerica.
Linda Heine passing out candy to the crowd.
More of Main Street Chaseamerica.
This batch of photos was taken by Janet Gray.
Taken at the breakfast, Frances & Alvin Heine
Taken at the breakfast, Alvin & Frances Heine
Taken at the breakfast, Marsha Wierman, Linda Ross & George Ross
Starting to get the job done. Alvin Heine & Gerald Cole
Frances & Alvin Heine
Our birthday cake for Kansas, made by
Gerald Cole
and decorated by Sherry Cole and Iris Devena.
Janet Gray standing by the banner she and Chuck made. Her hat was also handmade for the parade.
Joyce Burress, Gene Haas, Marsha
Wierman, Linda Ross, Gerald Cole and Janet Gray.
Mary Johnson half hidden behind Linda.
Dick Schremmer family's entry into the parade. A 57 Chevy golf cart.
Not sure who this is, if you email us we will identify you.
Grand Marshalls Betty & Leon Link
Lawrence and Carol Mitchell coming down the side walk.
Chaseamerica main street USA
Our float going down main street.
Gene Haas, George Ross, Mary Johnson and Gerald Cole holding Kansas flag,
One of the banners that Chuck and Janet Gray made
And now for some Lyons News Photos
The CHS Alumni Association Float won The Best use of theme award and 2nd in float category.
Photos courtesy of Frances Heine, Janet Gray and the Lyons News
2012 Chase Fest
The Alumni did not have a float
in this Chase Fest but the Grand Marshals were
June 8
Vicki Keesling, Class of 1971
Randy Keesling, Class of 1975
2013 Chase Fest
Theme Mardi Gras
Somehow the photos got deleted from here and I did not have them backed up.
Here are the Grand Marshalls tho.