Sharing Your Thoughts--
Mrs. Keith made each freshman class memorize the following poem,
it hung in the old gym above the stage---
"For when the one great scorer comes
To write against your name,
He writes not that you won or lost,
But how you played the game."
This is where we would like to hear from you. Please feel free to write a thought, comment about the site or a message to your class and we will post it here. You may email it to this address colesherry312@gmail.com Please put 'Kats Kontributions ' in the subject line.
This was sent to me from Rodney Proffitt, John Proffitt, Class of 1957
Another great article about Bernice Day
This Christmas card was sent to the CHS
Alumni Association from
Twila Coffey Flowers, Class of 1952
I have had a request for a 1960 Chase, KS
phone book.
If you have one that you are willing to surrender, email me with
the price you are asking and I will relay the message. Thank you!
More of the Treasures from Mary Taylor
These I got from a Kats Kapers November 20,1962
More of the Treasures from Mary Taylor
These I got from a Kats Kapers October 30,1962
More of the Treasures from Mary Taylor
These I got from a Kats Kapers October 16,1962
More of the Treasures from Mary Taylor
These I got from a Kats Kapers September 25,1962
3 Teachers that were new that year.
More of the Treasures from Mary Taylor
These I got from a Kats Kapers May15,1962
More of the Treasures from Mary Taylor
These I got from a Kats Kapers April 10,1962
More of the Treasures from Mary Taylor
These I got from a Kats Kapers February 27,1962
More of the Treasures from Mary Taylor
These I got from a Kats Kapers February 13,1962
Found this in the Lyons News
50 years ago March 11, 1971
More of the Treasures from Mary Taylor
These I got from a Kats Kapers January 30,1962
More of the Treasures from Mary Taylor
These I got from a Kats Kapers January 15,1962
More of the Treasures from Mary Taylor
These I got from a Kats Kapers December 19,1961
I was reading the names and they did not name who is between Jerome Steffan and Howard Kennedy in the back row number 64
More of the Treasures from Mary Taylor
These I got from a Kats Kapers November 28,1961
More of the Treasures from Mary Taylor
These I got from a Kats Kapers November 14,1961
More of the Treasures from Mary Taylor
These I got from a Kats Kapers October 10, 1961
Sorry, for some reason Jim Gillespie's photo was cut out.
More of the Treasures from Mary Taylor
These I got from a Kats Kapers September 19, 1961
More of the Treasures from Mary Taylor
These I got from a Kats Kapers May 16, 1961
More of the Treasures from Mary Taylor
These I got from a Kats Kapers May 2, 1961
More of the Treasures from Mary Taylor
These I got from a Kats Kapers March 28, 1961
More of the Treasures from Mary Taylor
These I got from a Kats Kapers March 14, 1961
More of the Treasures from Mary Taylor
These I got from a Kats Kapers that Mary had, January 24 and February 24, 1961
More of the Treasures from Mary Taylor
These I got from a Kats Kapers that Mary had, November 29, 1960
More of the Treasures from Mary Taylor
These I got from a Kats Kapers that Mary had, November 1, 1960
More of the Treasures from Mary Taylor
These I got from a Kats Kapers that Mary had, October 18, 1960
More of the Treasures from Mary Taylor
These I got from a Kats Kapers that Mary had, September 27, 1960
OK I am going to post some of the Treasures
from Mary Taylor Johnson.
These three I got from a Kats Kapers that Mary had, September 13, 1960
OK I am going to post some of the Treasures
from Mary Taylor Johnson.
Most of these will go to Barbara Meyeres Haxton as part of the Class of 1963
items so if you want a particular item, you can contact her. If it does not
pertain especially to the Class of 1963 and you would like it, just email me
with your request. Thank you to Sandi Richardson Hodnett for sharing these two
items in the first place so that I could give them to Mary.
From The Chase Index year 1974 shared by Rodney Proffitt, Class of 1966
Here are a few facts from the paper, in 1886
it was called The Weekly Register
This issue cost 15 cents
There were ads from Lyons, Ellinwood and Great Bend besides Chase
OK, we are switching gears to The Chase Index year 1974 which also came from Rodney Proffitt
First an ad from Keith's Food Market
More from the Chase Index year 1966 that Rodney Proffitt sent me.
The ads were too big to scan so going to quote a few~~~
The first ones are from Keith's Food
Bacon-69 cents a pound
Bar S Winchesters wieners-69 cents a pound
Corn on the cob-5 for 29 Cents
Sugar-5 lb bag 49 cents.
Potatoes-10 lb gab 39 cents
Pork steak- 49 cents a lb
Pork roast- 45 cents a lb
Now from Chase IGA
Rib Steaks-89 cents a lb
Ground Beef- 49 cents a lb
Sweet corn-12 for $1.00
Lettuce-11 cents a head
Cantaloupes- 3 for $1.00
2 qts of Buttermilk or Chocolate milk for 39 cents
Winchester Picnics- 89 cents a lb
Back to the Chase Index year 1966 that Rodney Proffitt sent me. Sorry the first photo looks weird.
I have some more from Rodney Proffitt but first I wanted to share these three photos that came from Janice Ashley Darling, Class of 1958. She says if you would like these copies then let me know.
Kindergarten 1946 Spring
Left to right back row, Charles White, Gary Sharpe, George Ketchenside, Donald
Myers, Mike Clayton, Leonard McNutt"
Middle row, Jimmie Kopfman, Janice Ashley, Janet Proffitt, Connie Owen, Venita
Miller, Jeanie Lindsay
Front row, Patsy Jembree, Carle kelso, Billy Joe Osborn, Robert Boldt, Judy
Link, Deanna Link,
absent was Patsy Kennedy, Teacher was Mrs Deckert or Decker
Kindergarten Girls 1946
Left to right, Patsy Hembree, Janet Proffitt, Connie Owen, Venita Miller, Judy
Link, Janice Ashley, Jeanie Lindsay, Deanna Link
Kindergarten May 1946
Two more articles of interest from the
Chase Index paper I received from Rodney Proffitt, Class of 1966
Until several years ago i did not even know we had a golf course. lol. This is
still the 1966 edition
In the packet I received from Rodney Proffitt, Class of 1966 he included two papers from The Chase Index, this one is when they were still big size wise in May 19, 1996. I am going to post several photos or articles from each newspaper that I found interesting. I have to be careful when copying as it is pretty fragile. I am going to keep these two papers. Sorry lol
Class of 1963
Class of 1966
This is a news paper clipping from the Great Bend paper dated 3/24/82 from the packet I received from Rodney Proffitt, Class of 1966 If you would like to have it, please let me know, first asked for gets it. elocs@cox.net.
This is a program from the packet I received from Rodney Proffitt, Class of 1966 If you would like to have it, please let me know, first asked for gets it. elocs@cox.net. Says it is a Midget Tournament in Feb but I could not find a date. I copied all of it because the ads were interesting to me that were in Chase at that time. Also look at the prices of things. Chase had a 1st and 2nd team roster. Lots of familiar names.
Another photo from the packet I received from Rodney Proffitt, Class of 1966 If you would like to have a particular photo, please let me know, first asked for gets it. elocs@cox.net. First grade Class of 1966 , I am saying Mrs. Walker?, teacher.
Another photo from the packet I received from Rodney Proffitt, Class of 1966 If you would like to have a particular photo, please let me know, first asked for gets it. elocs@cox.net. Kindergarten Class of 1966 in costume, Mrs Klemm, teacher.
I received a packet from Rodney Proffitt,
Class of 1966 and he shared some photos and clippings so
going to share some of them here. If you would like to have a particular photo,
please let me know, first asked for gets it.
elocs@cox.net. Kindergarten Class of 1966,
Mrs Klemm, teacher.
The daughter of Mary Jane Hardwick Rickner,
Class of 1942 recently offered David Peebler
some of Mary Jane's memorabilia, he kept a couple of things and passed the rest
on to me.
I am going to post some of the interesting things she had and photos. If you are
related to anyone
in the photos or articles and wish to have it, just let me know and I will hold
it back for you.
Ads that were in the school paper called
The Beam Squeaks, 1942
Do you remember any?
The daughter of Mary Jane Hardwick Rickner,
Class of 1942 recently offered David Peebler
some of Mary Jane's memorabilia, he kept a couple of things and passed the rest
on to me.
I am going to post some of the interesting things she had and photos. If you are
related to anyone
in the photos or articles and wish to have it, just let me know and I will hold
it back for you.
This came from the school paper called
The Beam Squeaks, 1942
These next come from my 1961
Initiation, what do you remember from yours?
We had to wear our clothes backwards, mayo and or Vaseline in out hair,
limburger cheese on our
noses, eggs put in our pockets and smashed, carry books for the seniors for a
few things, then
came the initiation program. All in all it was fun and harmless.
The daughter of Mary Jane Hardwick Rickner,
Class of 1942 recently offered David Peebler
some of Mary Jane's memorabilia, he kept a couple of things and passed the rest
on to me.
I am going to post some of the interesting things she had and photos. If you are
related to anyone
in the photos or articles and wish to have it, just let me know and I will hold
it back for you.
This batch of photos are from 1981 Chase's 100 Years celebration, no names on backs
The daughter of Mary Jane Hardwick Rickner,
Class of 1942 recently offered David Peebler
some of Mary Jane's memorabilia, he kept a couple of things and passed the rest
on to me.
I am going to post some of the interesting things she had and photos. If you are
related to anyone
in the photos or articles and wish to have it, just let me know and I will hold
it back for you.
Today is a photo of the band in 1939-40 and one of the uniforms modeled by Ralph Smith
Ralph Smith
I recently heard from Don Keesling, Class of
1953 and he shared some Chase history with me and then
sent me some articles which I will share with you a little at a time. Hope
you find it as interesting as I do.
Page 4 of 4 on this article--1902-1918
I recently heard from Don Keesling, Class of
1953 and he shared some Chase history with me and then
sent me some articles which I will share with you a little at a time. Hope
you find it as interesting as I do.
This section was 4 pages long so going to do a page at a time earliest times first. 1886-1902
I recently heard from Don Keesling, Class of
1953 and he shared some Chase history with me and then
sent me some articles which I will share with you a little at a time. Hope
you find it as interesting as I do.
This section was 4 pages long so going to do a page at a time earliest times first. 1881-1885
I recently heard from Don Keesling, Class of
1953 and he shared some Chase history with me and then
sent me some articles which I will share with you a little at a time. Hope
you find it as interesting as I do.
This section was 4 pages long so going to do a page at a time earliest times first. 1872-1881
I recently heard from Don Keesling, Class of
1953 and he shared some Chase history with me and then
sent me some articles which I will share with you a little at a time. Hope
you find it as interesting as I do.
October 31, 1918
Here is a feel good story for ya~~
I was contacted by a man named Walter Morgan from Ness City, KS. He had also made a post on facebook concerning a Chase High School Class ring that he had found in a jewelry box belonging to his recently deceased Mother. He wondered if I could help him find the owner of said ring. After asking him if his Mother had graduated from Chase or dated anyone that went to Chase and him confirming that she had not and thought she had purchased the ring at a garage sale. Of course we are going to help him, right? I immediately posted on our CHS facebook page his request and photos of said ring. Long story short after several Chase people had reposted and let us know about Mr. Morgan's post we found the owner of the ring. It was 1983s Shannon Brady. I shared Shannon's info with Mr. Morgan and he contacted Shannon and made arrangements to mail it to him. Shannon told Mr. Morgan he had lost his ring 20 years ago. Our thanks to people like Walter Morgan that took time out of his life to see that this ring was brought home.
David and Claudia Peebler were in Wichita at the Wichita Historical Museum and ran across this interesting exhibit`~
Jim Fowler did some more research and found this~~
Coy Avon & Mabel (Drew) Seward, Married 11 May 1908 in Lyons, KS
Daughters Clockwise from top,
Helen Margaret b.1912, Dorothy Maurine b 1910, Virginia Ruth b 1916,
Mildred Avon b 1913
All born in Wichita, KS
This little jewel was shared by Dee Dupy who ran across this Chase Grade School Christmas play program.
On August 14, 2014 Jimmy Gillespie Jr was
driving home from work and heard a birthday announcement on the radio for Brent
Maher and that he was born in Chase, KS. So when he got home he called Jim
Meyeres about it and in turn Jim called his sisters Sharon & Barbara. They
recalled that he was the son of the pharmacist for the Chase Drug Store. Linda
checked Wikipedia and this is what she found. Thanks guys for your detective
work. I found in another place that he was born
August 14, 1942.
Brent Maher
is a
currently residing in
Nashville, Tennessee.
He has produced and engineered six
records and received awards from the
He is credited with discovering and developing country duo,
The Judds,
and subsequently produced all ten of their albums, writing many of their hit
Maher is also the
of Moraine Music Group and has served two terms on the Board of Directors of the
Academy of Country Music.
Early life
Born in
Chase, Kansas,
Maher lived there until he moved to
Denver, Colorado
as a teenager. He joined the
Air Force
after high school where he played guitar and trumpet in his band, The
Journeymen. After leaving the Air Force, Maher was hired by
Monument Records
Fred Foster
and chief engineer and eventual mentor,
Bill Porter,
as an assistant engineer in Nashville, Tennessee.
Maher later moved to
Las Vegas,
to work at United Recording where he engineered
Ike and Tina Turner’s
The 5th Dimension's
"Age of Aquarius",
Duke Ellington's
last record,
The Jackson 5,
Chuck Berry,
Sammy Davis Jr.,
Gladys Knight,
Sly and the Family Stone,
and others. Maher’s work as a producer picked up when he recorded
Benny Hester's
debut LP in Vegas.
In the late
1970s, Maher moved back to Nashville to help owner
Buzz Cason
build Creative Workshop Recording Studio. In Nashville, Maher engineered
last number one song “Way
Down" in addition to
engineering records with
Olivia Newton-John,
Ray Charles,
Merle Haggard.
Other producer credits include albums with
Dottie West,
Kenny Rogers
Dave Loggins.
In the early '80's, Maher discovered mother/daughter duo, The Judds and
developed their acoustic county sound. After getting The Judd's a record deal
he co-wrote many of their hits and produced all their platinum
Musical career
Maher received Song of the Year by the Academy of Country Music for writing and producing the Judds’ 1984 chart-topping single, “Why Not Me.” It was followed by awards for “Girls Night Out” (1985), “Rockin' with the Rhythm of the Rain” (1986), “I Know Where I’m Going” (1987), "Let Me Tell You About Love" (1989), “Born To Be Blue” (1990), and other Judd hits. Maher also co-wrote many of Johnny Reid's hit singles in Canada including "Out of the Blue” (2007), "A Woman Like You” (2009 – CCMA for Single of Year), "Let's Go Higher" (2010), and "Today I'm Gonna Try and Change the World" (2010).
Additional hits include “Some Kind Of Trouble,” (Tanya Tucker), “Lesson In Leaving’,” (Jo Dee Messina), “When Love Starts Talkin’,” (Wynonna) and other recordings by Tina Turner, Kenny Rogers, Dottie West, Carl Perkins, Jo Dee Messina, Wynonna, and Shelby Lynne.
Maher produced all ten of The Judds’ records, Kathy Mattea’s “Good News,” Shelby Lynne’s big band project “Temptation,” and albums by artists including Kenny Rogers, Dottie West, Benny Hester, and Jo Dee Messina. On the international scene, Maher produced Canadian Country artist Johnny Reid’s breakthrough Country record "Kicking Stones" and following LP's "Dance With Me" and "A Place Called Love," making Reid one of the top-selling artists in Canada. The albums won CCMA awards for Album of the Year (2009), Best Selling Canadian Album (2009, 2010, 2011), and a Juno Award for Country Album of the Year (2010, 2011). Maher also developed and produced the Grammy nominated self-titled debut from Bering Strait, a young band composed of seven Russian musicians whose story was covered by 60 Minutes.
Maher's engineering credits include all the projects he has produced, and also extend to Ike and Tina Turner’s “Proud Mary,” Roy Orbison, Diana Ross & the Supremes, Faces, Duke Ellington, Chuck Berry, Sammy Davis Jr., Gladys Knight, Merle Haggard and the Strangers, Glen Campbell/ Tanya Tucker, Sly and the Family Stone, and others.
Brent Maher is also a music publisher and CEO of Moraine Music Group, which has produced hit singles over the last 20 years. His current studio is called The Blue Room and located in Nashville, Tennessee.
Awards and nominations
Grammy Awards
2007 – Lost Highway – Willie Nelson and Ray Price (Engineer)
1993 – Good News – Kathy Mattea (Producer)
1991 –Love Can Build A Bridge – The Judds (Producer)
1988 – Give A Little Love – The Judds (Producer)
1986 – Grandpa – The Judds (Producer)
1984 – Mama, He’s Crazy – The Judds (Producer)
ASCAP Awards
1978 – Bluer Than Blue – Michael Johnson (Producer)
1979 – You Pick Me Up (And Put Me Down) – Dottie West (Writer)
1980 – Leavin's for Unbelievers – Dottie West (Writer)
1980 – A Lesson in Leavin' – Dottie West (Writer)
1985 – Why Not Me – The Judds (Writer)
1985 – Girls' Night Out – The Judds (Writer)
1986 – Rockin' with the Rhythm of the Rain – The Judds (Writer)
1988 – I Know Where I’m Going – The Judds (Writer)
1989 – Turn It Loose – The Judds (Writer)
1989 – Crying Shame – The Judds (Writer)
1990 – Let Me Tell You About Love – The Judds (Writer)
1991 – Born to be Blue – The Judds (Writer)
1992 – Some Kind of Trouble – Tanya Tucker (Writer)
NSAI Awards
1987 – Rockin' with the Rhythm of the Rain – The Judds (Writer)
Songwriter discography
Girls' Night Out |
The Judds |
RCA/Curb |
#1 Country Single, Multi-Platinum |
US |
I Know Where I’m Going |
The Judds |
RCA/Curb |
#1 Country Single, Album rel., Multi-Platinum |
US |
Let Me Tell You About Love |
The Judds |
RCA/Curb |
#1 Country Single, Multi-Platinum |
US |
Why Not Me |
The Judds |
RCA/Curb |
#1 Country Single/ACM Song of the Year, Multi-Platinum |
US |
Rockin' with the Rhythm of the Rain |
The Judds |
RCA/Curb |
#1 Billboard, Multi-Platinum |
US |
Born to be Blue |
The Judds |
RCA/Curb |
#1 Country Single, #4 Billboard, Album rel., Multi-Platinum |
US |
Turn It Loose |
The Judds |
RCA/Curb |
#1 Country Single, Multi-Platinum |
US |
When Love Starts Talkin' |
Wynonna Judd |
Curb |
#13 Country Single, Multi-Platinum |
US |
Leavin's for Unbelievers |
Dottie West & Kenny Rogers |
#13 Country Single |
US |
Lesson in Leavin' |
Jo Dee Messina |
Curb |
#2 Country Single, Album rel., Multi-Platinum |
US |
Some Kind of Trouble |
Tanya Tucker |
#1 Country Single |
US |
Michael Johnson |
#4 Country Single |
US |
#8 Country Single |
US |
Where Do We Go From Here |
Shelby Lynne |
Album rel. |
US |
Work On Me |
Tina Turner |
Album rel. |
US |
What I Did For Love |
Kenny Rogers |
Album rel. |
US |
Written On My Heart |
Jenai |
Album rel. |
US |
Out of the Blue |
Johnny Reid |
Top 10, Multi-Platinum |
CA |
A Woman Like You |
Johnny Reid |
Open Road/ UMG |
#3 Country Single, Multi-Platinum |
CA |
Today I'm Gonna Try and Change the World |
Johnny Reid |
#2 Country Single, Platinum |
CA |
Let's Go Higher |
Johnny Reid |
#2 Country and AC Single, Multi-Platinum |
CA |
Other ventures
Beyond his musical career, Brent Maher has given lectures on engineering and production for various schools and universities. Maher has one of the largest collections of vintage Gretsch guitars in the US. Maher was also one of the founding members of Middle Tennessee Fly Fishers Inc. In 2011, he created "Cowboy Golf" and now designs golf courses on farms, which led to founding the Boots and Bandana Golf Association based in Franklin, Tennessee at Pines Golf Course. Maher, John Reger, Jr. and Michael Pasternak and associates are currently establishing a network of BBGA courses with ranch owners and recreational facilities across the country to build their own cowboy style golf courses. The events benefit MusiCares, The Facial Pain Research Foundation, and Gentle Carousel Therapy Horses
Amberlee Young Berry, Class of 1984 shared this with us.
In 1927, Felix the Cat was the very first balloon animal in the Macy's Day
(Until then, real Zoo animals were used).
This was so interesting. Loren Wiens pictured below is Class of 1945
I got this shot glass off of ebay and did a google of
the Fighting 31.
Here is what I found---
Fighter squadron VF-31 ("Fighting 31"), specializing in night fighting,
has since World War II been known by its nickname, "Tomcatters", and by an
earlier old motto, "We get ours at night". The squadron emblem is the famous
cartoon character Felix the Cat, running with a large spherical bomb with
lighted fuse, in black on a yellow field within a circular outline. The yellow
field and outline were omitted from the aircraft and four stars at the end of a
pair of sweeps were added. This emblem can be seen on the fuselage of the
aircraft above the wing. The squadron was based at this time at Cecil Field,
near Jacksonville, Florida.
Felix the Cat was created by a cartoonist named Pat Sullivan and first appeared
on film in 1919. With the help of movies and a comic strip that debuted in
1923, Felix reached the height of his popularity in 1928.
It was in December of that year that Felix and Naval
Aviation officially started a long relationship. Although used unofficially for
a couple of years by a handful of different squadrons, Felix was officially
adopted by VB-2B in Coronado, California, in late 1928, which became known as
the “Felix Cat Squadron.” Lieutenant Chourre’ of VB-2B created the famous
emblem (Felix carrying a bomb), which was approved in early 1929 and is still in
use today.
In 1930 VB-2B was re-designated VF-6B, which stayed in
service until 1937 when it became VF-3. VF-3 continued as the “Felix Cat
Squadron” through 1943, when VF-3 and VF-6 swapped designations. This caused a
controversy as to which squadron owned the Felix name and emblem. For three
years both squadrons claimed Felix. Finally, after much haggling over the
subject, the new VF-3 was re-designated VF-3A in 1946 and awarded the official
approval to adopt Felix the Cat by the Chief of Naval Operations. Then on
August 7, 1948, Felix assumed his current home when VF-3A was designated VF-31.
From the F3B-1 bi-planes of VB-2B to the F-14D Super
Tomcat of VF-31, Felix the Cat has been grinning from the sides of naval
aircraft through much of twentieth century U.S. Naval History. He has operated
off of many of the Navy's illustrious
aircraft carriers, from USS Langley (CV-1), the Navy’s first, to USS
Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) today. He was aboard USS Enterprise (CV-6) during the
bombing of Pearl Harbor as well as the Battles of Wake Island, Marcus Island,
Midway, Guadalcanal, and the Eastern Solomons. He achieved aerial victories
during World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. More recently, Felix
deployed in the Mediterranean aboard USS Saratoga, USS John F. Kennedy, and USS
Forrestal, as well as in the Western Pacific aboard USS Carl Vinson. He has
conducted operations off Lebanon and Libya, and patrolled Southern Iraq
enforcing the No Fly Zone during Operations Southern Watch and Desert Strike.
Felix has also flown with some of naval aviation’s
greatest heroes. A photograph in VF-31’s historical records shows an F4B-4
manned by Charles Lindberg with Felix adorning the side. The famous Butch
O’Hare and countless other naval aviators have taken Felix into battle with
For his outstanding performance, FELIX has received many awards including the Joint Meritorious Unit Award, Meritorious Unit Citation, CNO Safety Award, Battle Efficiency, the Admiral Joe CLIFTON Award for Fighter Excellence and the COMFITWING ONE Grand Slam Award.
As an icon of American culture, Felix the Cat has
participated in nearly 80 years of our history. His appeal to our frisky side
has allowed him to entertain us as well as build a firm tradition in U.S. Naval
Aviation over the years. In addition, his “cat” pride and style represent basic
values common to all Americans. The Tomcatters of VF-31 are as proud to wear
the Felix emblem today as were naval aviators in 1928. This pride is reflected
in the squadron’s timeless motto: FELIX RULES!
Dillons Ad for Sept 7-13, 2011
Notice that Chase, Ks is mentioned by the eggs ad.
Dave Peebler sent these in an email do you remember this?
Clay McEachern, Class of 2006, wrote this song about Chase,
KS and posted it on facebook.
He has consented to let us post it on here.
Chase Song Lyrics
by Clay McEachern
I love watchin
whitetail play in the snow
and watchin old bucks chase around them does
cause thats the way i was raised
I love when bob whites whistle around
In that ol thicket on the edge of town
even hawks won't fly around
With McEachern boys on the prowl
Hawks won't fly ten miles from town
cause they know we'll shoot em down
The rig, ol grey, or wildfire tonight
what we gonna take on a Saturday night
Were gonna drink to the sun goes down and come up again
Chase is the place, my son is gonna be raised
yes chase is where I'll stay. Where all the people know everyone
and everyone I Know here owns a gun.
remember that when your in town
Chase is what I love, Chase is the place I know and love
Chase is what I love.
I love foldin them ol mallards up
sittin in the blind with my best friend Huck
He can't wait for the ducks to fall
so he can pick them up.
Boss Gobbler strutin around
old hen purrin up really loud
until he lets gobble out
my shells hit the ground.
I love when people run their mouths
oh how they love the south
They aint got shit on my town
Chase is what I Love
Chase is what I know and love
Chase is what I love
An email letter we received from Bert Hathaway
Dave Peeblers Koi pond
A thought from Allen Wilkerson--
"Why is it that at Class Reunions you feel younger than everyone else looks! "
I got this from Virgil & Toni Morton and I thought it was great, if you like Boogie Woogie, you will too.
Gary Huck sends this--Click on I Believe
Got this from Gordon Bieberle, brother to Paula's husband Ron. I loved it so thought I would share with you--Sherry Bliss Cole
Click on---Twelve Wonderful Commandments
Even Tyra Banks wears Felix
Aunt Mary,
Don’t ask me why, but for some reason I did a Google search on
“Chase, Kansas golf course” and discovered a review written recently by a
gentleman from Massachusetts who found the course by pure happenstance and
played a round with some local guys. I thought others might enjoy reading the
review, so I attached the link to the website below. Perhaps you could share it
on the Chase alumni website.
Thank you for all the time you spend updating the alumni website. I enjoy visiting it from time to time to stay abreast of the home town happenings. Keep up the good work!
Jay Jones
Class of ‘77
If the future seems overwhelming, remember that it comes one moment at a time.--Unknown
saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have
and should have.
--Louis E. Boone
True friendship is seen through the heart, not through the eyes.--Unknown
We get old too soon and wise too late.--Benjamin Franklin
About the only thing that comes to us without effort is old age.--Gloria Pitzer
True friends are those who, when you make a fool of yourself, don't believe the condition is permanent.--Unknown
Experience is not what happens to a man, it's what a man does with what happens to him.--Aldous Huxley
A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.--Unknown
Grant me
the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, the good fortune to run
the old ones I do and the eyesight to tell the difference.--Unknown
The trouble with learning from experience is that you never graduate.--Doug Larson
Peace starts with a smile--Unknown
Some minds are like concrete, thoroughly mixed up and permanently set--Unknown
Forgiveness is the healing of wounds caused by another.--Unknown
The irony of life is that,
by the time you're old enough to know your way around, you're not going
Too often we underestimate
the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear,
an honest
compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to
a life around. People come into our lives for a reason, a season, or a
lifetime. Embrace all equally.
A bend in the road doesn't mean the end of the road.--Unknown
Learn to write your hurts in sand; learn to carve your blessings in stone.--Unknown
Beauty is being in harmony with what you are.----Peter Nivio Zarlenga
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart.----Helen Keller
Gary Huck shares this----
Remember these? For those who never saw any of the Burma Shave signs, here is a quick lesson in our history of the 1930's and '40's. Before there were interstates, when everyone drove the old 2 lane roads,Burma Shave signs would be posted all over the countryside in farmers' fields. They were small red signs with white letters. Five signs, about 100 feet apart, each containing 1 line of a 4 line couplet......and the obligatory 5th sign advertising Burma Shave, a popular shaving cream. Here are some of the actual signs:
Burma Shave
Do these bring back any
old memories? If not, you're merely a child.
If they do - then you're old as dirt.
Even if you are the on right track, you will get run over if you just sit there. Will Rogers
I had asked my friend, Lee Lewis,
who lives Cahokia, IL if he could make me a transparency of this golfing Felix.
He was glad to oblige and then sent me this picture he had made. Thought I would
share it with you----Sherry