News, Notes & Comments


Oval Callout: Gotta minute?


July 01, 2024

Hi Everyone~~

Hope you are beating the heat as the end of June into July now have been a few scorchers. Hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th of July. We have two reunions of sorts behind us here at the Cole Casa. Might have one in August or Sept, haven't heard the date on that one yet and of course we have the biggie of our 2014 All School Reunion in October. Our class of 1964 is going to get together the Wed before the 2024 kicks off to celebrate our 60th.

Remember in May I talked about Terri Feil had scrounged up 20 boxes of yearbooks for me to bring home and find homes for them? I am happy to say I have placed about 358 of them. We still have some but the pile in my garage is getting smaller and I am down to one tote in the attic. lol. If you are needing a year book of any year, doesn't have to be yours, check out the Kats Shoppe page or the 2024 Reunion Bulletin board page to see what is available. I try to keep the list updated.

I repeat------The 2024 All School Reunion is getting closer and closer. We have most of the plans made and just a few details to iron out. Your registration paper was included in your 2024 March Newsletter so soon as you can get that mailed in so we will know more how to plan certain events. Don't worry if something comes up that you can't attend after all, we have been known to give refunds upon request. We now have 58 registered with three Felix pins awarded, first non alumni committee member winner is Curtis Gillespie, the second winner for being the 25th goes to Norma Hembree Keller and the third for 50th registration is Edd Starnes.  Next up is the 75th registration. My class of 1964 is still leading in # of registrations. I am sad to say the school that we were going to play for Homecoming (Southern Cloud) closed so there will not be a homecoming game on Friday night but happy to say the BBQ will go on as planned from 4 -?. We get to visit more so who knows? lol

We have sweatshirts and hoodies at Kats Korner along with some miscellaneous items relating to Chase. Also have other items on the website. I did pick up that order of short sleeve tees and have them now at Kats Korner. Get yours while supplies lasts.

Stay happy, stay healthy and above all, show the love and have fun. We value you!!!

Until next time--

Sherry Bliss Cole, Class of 1964



Donations from Alumni

(Other than for memorials)

Joey Simmons, Class of 1962
Roy Stafford, Class of 1956
Dick Schremmer, Class of 1972
Tamara Doll Campbell, Class of 1978
Bob Reynolds, Class of 1961









August 17, 2024
10:30 am
Gambino's Pizza
South Hutchinson, KS






Thank you to Shelley White, secretary of the High School for the donation of 6 yearbooks we were in need of for the cabinet in the High School. Four more and I think we will have every yearbook from the year 1941 down that there was a yearbook. We even have 1925 year.

Thank you for the donation of the 1971 yearbook!

We would like to thank Gerald Fiedler and Kay Kopfman Thrall for donating yearbooks at the 2017 All School Reunion. We would like to thank Betty Browning Fulton, Class of  1944 for donating a 1941 yearbook to the alumni.

We thank Rhonda Clayton David for donating her yearbooks to the Association. The ones that were needed will be put in the cabinet at the High School for all to enjoy.

 Thank you, Betty Browning Fulton - 1944 for letting us know there were no yearbooks in the years 1942, 1943 & 1944 due to the war.

We are in need of a yearbook to fill in a empty space in our cabinets at the school. These are on display for all to see so if you have an extra one or just want to donate yours to the Alumni we would be grateful. If you want to donate the following year, contact Sherry Cole.


Just a note to that, if you have any of your yearbooks of any year, please don't throw them away, we take them as well. We also have yearbooks on hand if you are needing one. The list of what we have is on the  Kats Kraft Shoppe page. Thank you.


June 01, 2024

Hi Everyone~~

Here we are into June. The 7 Seniors of 2024 have now joined the ranks of alumni. I attended the graduation of my Granddaughter Tia from K State that day so Marilyn Dupont too my place in helping Denice Schmidt Sledd handing out the gifts from the CHS Alumni to the seniors. Congratulations Seniors and welcome to the alumni.

Remember last month I talked about Terri Feil had scrounged up 20 boxes of yearbooks for me to bring home and find homes for them? I am happy to say I have placed about 290 of them. We still have some but the pile in my garage is getting smaller. lol. If you are needing a year book of any year, doesn't have to be yours, check out the Kats Shoppe page or the 2024 Reunion Bulletin board page to see what is available. I try to keep the list updated.

The 2024 All School Reunion is getting closer and closer. We have most of the plans made and just a few details to iron out. Your registration paper was included in your 2024 March Newsletter so soon as you can get that mailed in so we will know more how to plan certain events. Don't worry if something comes up that you can't attend after all, we have been known to give refunds upon request. We now have 51 registered with three Felix pins awarded, first non alumni committee member winner is Curtis Gillespie, the second winner for being the 25th goes to Norma Hembree Keller and the third for 50th registration is Edd Starnes. . Next up is the 75th registration. My class of 1964 is still leading in # of registrations with the Class of 1959 close on our heels. I am sad to say the school that we were going to play for Homecoming (Southern Cloud) closed so there will not be a homecoming game on Friday night but happy to say the BBQ will go on as planned from 4 -?. We get to visit more so who knows? lol

We have sweatshirts and hoodies at Kats Korner along with some miscellaneous items relating to Chase. Also have other items on the website.

Still waiting on that order for some tees to take to Kats Korner. Be on the look out for them. I didn't order a huge number so if we run out I can order some more.

Stay happy, stay healthy and above all, show the love and have fun. We value you!!!

Until next time--

Sherry Bliss Cole, Class of 1964


Please send your comments, suggestions and contributions to  Sherry Bliss Cole at: